The efficacy and function of the cauliflower

【Source】《Synthetic Herbalism》

Pinyin name Xiānɡ Huā Cài

[alias] green mint, green mint (Guangzhou Air Force "common Chinese herbal medicine manual").

【Source】 The plant is a full-grass plant of the orchid family. Harvested from May to August.

[Form] Perennial herb, about 1.3 meters high, with branches. Roots spread, stems square, purple or dark green. Leaves opposite; lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 1 to 6 cm long, 3 to 17 mm wide, apex acuminate or cuspidate, base rounded or cuneate, margin serrate, both surfaces glabrous, below There are glandular spots; leaves are sessile. Umbrella inflorescence densely integrated with terminal spikes; sepals linear, marginate hairy; calyx campanulate, externally pubescent, 5-toothed, ciliate; corolla purple or white, inner surface of crown tube glabrous, with 4 Lobes, upper lobes large; stamens 4, projecting beyond crown tube; styles apically 2-lobed, extending beyond corolla. Nutlets ovate, black, puberulous. Flowering from July to August. Fruit period from August to September.

Habitat distribution has been cultivated in Hebei, Jiangsu and Guangdong.

[chemical composition] contains about 0.6 ~ 0.7% of volatile oil, oil contains about 60 ~ 65% of carnopsis, and limonene, phellanden and so on. Fresh leaves of Indian spearmint contain 0.2-0.25% of volatile oil. The oil contains 55.8% of carotenone, 17.5% of limonene, 6.74% of dihydroarterol, and 11.55% of ester.


Xin Gan, Wen.

1 "Acid Herbalism": Spicy and warm.

2 Guangzhou Force "common Chinese herbal medicine manual": Gan, tepid.


Shufeng, qi, relieve pain. Treat cold, cough, headache, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea.

1 "Sexual Herbal Essentials": Treatment of infantile cough.

2 "Lingnan Herbal Medicine Record": Specializes in dispersing wind and dampness and regulating menstruation. Women's menstrual abdominal pain.

3 Guangzhou Army "common Chinese herbal medicine manual": cure cold cough, consumptive cough; flatulence.

4 Guangzhou Air Force "common Chinese herbal medicine manual": cure stomach cold pain, neurological headache;

[Usage and dosage] inside the eye: Jiantang, 5 to 15 (25 to 50 grams of fresh). External use: apply.

[Excerpt] "* Dictionary"

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