Japan Toray develops "Intelligent Monitoring ECG Apparel" to enter the medical field

According to a report on September 29, Japanese chemical materials company Toray and communication operator NTT will jointly enter the medical field with the help of "smart clothing." Smart clothing is made from fibers that give you vital information. Recently, a new material developed by two companies that can monitor ECG for 24 hours and check for arrhythmia has been identified as a medical device in Japan. The two companies will begin selling specialized underwear for the use of this material to hospitals in 2017. Regarding smart clothing, various related companies are competing for development, but it is the first time to be used as a medical device.

It is estimated that the development of the use of new materials will accelerate in the future.

Toray and NTT have been promoting the joint development of new materials under the “hitoe” brand. The new material uses a polyester resin that penetrates the polymer resin to read the weak electrical signal on the body surface. In monitoring the product of the electrocardiogram, four electrodes made by hitoe were installed on the special underwear.

Japan Toray develops "Intelligent Monitoring ECG Apparel" to enter the medical field

[Figure] monitoring ECG Japan Toray "smart clothing" into the medical field

By working on the texture and sewing of the special underwear, it is possible to continuously measure the activity of the heart muscle. It is generally used in the medical field and must meet the Japanese national standards. The new material was recently registered as a medical device in Japan's "Industrial Medicines and Devices Integrated Organization (PMDA)", an independent administrative body under the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. The agency determined that the new material has almost the same level of precision as traditional ECG measurements.

Japan Toray develops "Intelligent Monitoring ECG Apparel" to enter the medical field

[Figure] monitoring ECG Japan Toray "smart clothing" into the medical field

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