Yellow onion

Middle name: Phalaenopsis name: Zephyranthes citrina Family family: Amaryllidaceae Streptotheca is a morphological characteristic: it is a perennial herb. Plant height 20-30 cm, underground bulbs long oval, 3-4 cm long, dark brown skin. Ye Jisheng, flat cylindrical, 15-30 cm long, leaves sparse, juicy, dark green, white skin powder. Flowers solitary, axillary, 15-20 cm long, flower funnel, golden yellow, 6 petals; seeds thin, black. Fruit and fruit period from July to September. Growth Habits: The yellow and green onions are robust and adaptable. They have a warm, moist and sunny climate. They like to loose loose and acidic soils. They are shade-resistant, drought-resistant, resistant to moisture, and have a suitable temperature of 18- 30 °C.

Kegel Ball

Spice Novelties Co.,Limited ,

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