In autumn, the change of long summer and cold winter is the best time for health. After a season of hot summer, sweating, physical exertion, now conditioning the stomach, need more care, so that the body can store energy through the winter. Let's let our experts briefly introduce the vegetables that are suitable for health, and hope to help you!
1, bean sprouts
Soybeans and green beans contain a large amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as essential elements such as sodium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. After germination, they not only retain their original substances, but also increase vitamin B1, B2, B12, and C. The content
The chlorophyll in the bean sprouts can prevent rectal cancer, and the aspartic acid, which is rich in water content, can greatly reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in the body, thereby helping to eliminate fatigue. Chinese medicine believes that bean sprouts sweet carrot spinach, cold, detoxification, dampness and other effects.
2. Carrot
Sweet and flat, eat the spleen and stomach. Carrots have the best stew, and fried foods are good. Stewed food can keep more than 93% of carotene, fried food can also maintain more than 80% of carotene, while raw food, salad, the body can only absorb 10%.
3, celery
Celery is cool, sweet and non-toxic, flat liver and stomach, rich in protein, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, amino acids, etc. It can stimulate the central nervous system, promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, and have a won effect. Celery can be fried with shredded pork, pork, etc., all colors are bright, the taste is fragrant.
4, Chinese cabbage
Slightly bitter taste, stomach and intestines, stomach and stomach. Cabbage contains many vitamin C and calcium, but also contains phosphorus, iron, carotene and vitamin B and so on. There is also a Chinese cabbage, that is cabbage, the food is also bitter taste, can benefit the heart and kidney, spleen and stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers have analgesic healing effect.
5, cauliflower
Cauliflower is rich in vitamins. Every 200 grams of fresh cauliflower can provide adults with more than 75% of the vitamin A needed for a day. Its vitamin C content is more prominent, up to 80 mg per 100 grams, which is 3-4 times higher than common cabbage and yellow bean sprouts, and 2 times more than that of citrus. Traditional Chinese medicine has always been said to "color white into the lungs." Autumn is a season in which respiratory infections frequently occur. White cauliflower is undoubtedly a kind of timely health vegetable.
6, lettuce
Lettuce meat is delicate, and raw fried stir well. Eaten lettuce can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and digestive juice and increase the secretion of bile. The potassium in lettuce is 27 times that of sodium, which helps promote urination and maintain water balance. It is of great benefit to patients with hypertension and heart disease. The fluorine contained in lettuce can participate in the formation of enamel and dentin and participate in the growth of bones.
7, sweet potato
Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato or sweet potato, is rich in starch. In the autumn vegetables, the highest sugar content per hectare of sweet potatoes was 23.1 grams. But its amino acid, vitamin A, B, C and cellulose content are higher than rice and flour, it is also rich in essential iron, calcium and other minerals.
Food Tip: Sweet potato starch, sugar content is high, prone to postprandial hyperglycemia. However, compared with steamed buns and bread, the content of these two indicators of sweet potato is not outstanding, and due to its multi-fiber, coarse grains, slow digestion, diabetics can eat some, even with the regular staple foods often eaten, but instead The body will be better. Sweet potato contains crude fiber, and people who have relatively strong internal fires eat more, helping to relieve constipation and other symptoms.
8, pumpkin
Pumpkin is a bit sweet to eat, so many people think that their fat content is relatively high. In fact, compared to other autumn vegetables, the fat content of edible parts per 100 grams of pumpkin is only 0.1 grams. Excessive consumption of pumpkin can cause increased blood sugar, and diabetics should be careful to choose. Those who really love to eat, it is best to make pumpkin pumpkin powder, so that a small amount of long-term consumption. Food Tips: It is best not to eat with lamb, athlete's foot, jaundice is not suitable for eating. Because traditional Chinese medicine believes that these two symptoms are caused by damp heat, the pumpkin is warm and flat, which may increase discomfort. The storage time of the pumpkin should not be too long, otherwise it will produce alcohol by anaerobic glycolysis and it will cause poisoning after eating.
Be sure to check carefully before eating pumpkin. If you find that the epidermis has ulceration, or if you smell it after opening it, you must not eat it.
9, pumpkin
The dietary fiber content of edible parts per 100 grams of cucumber is only 0.5 grams, but the cellulose contained in the fresh cucumber is very delicate and it not only accelerates the excretion of corrosive substances in the intestine, but also has the function of reducing cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, patients suffering from obesity, high cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis may benefit from eating cucumbers. However, those with weak spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea, and cold cough should eat less. Food Tip: The cucumber tail contains more bittersin and has anti-cancer effects, so do not discard the tail. Raw cucumber should not eat, but also pay special attention to clean. Pickled cucumbers are best for people with liver disease, cardiovascular disease, gastro-intestinal disease, and high blood pressure. Cucumber contains ascorbate oxidase. When eaten raw, it will destroy vitamin C. It is best to eat it delicately or eat it between meals so as not to damage the vitamin C in foods such as other vegetables and fruits.
In a hydroponic system, plants are placed in nutrient-enriched water. Mediums such as gravels, sand or vermiculite can also be used. Thus plants which are placed in the water absorb the nutrients very easly. When the nutrients from the water starts finishing , water is recycled or additional nutrients are added.
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