Walnut irrigation and drainage Under normal circumstances, the annual precipitation of 600 ~ 800 mm, and evenly distributed, can basically meet the needs of the growth and development of walnut trees. If the precipitation is insufficient or unevenly distributed, irrigation is required. In the process of growth and development of walnut trees, the following growth periods cannot be short of water.
First, in early spring, in March to April, walnuts entered the germination period and began to sprout and branch. At this time, the spring drought in the northern region lacks water, affecting the growth and development of walnut trees. This period combined with fertilization irrigation, can promote flowering and fruit setting.
Second, from May to June, after fertilization of female flowers, the fruit grows rapidly; female flower buds begin to differentiate and form. This period requires a lot of water and nutrients. Drought should be filled with water.
3. From July to August, during this period, the nucleolus began to develop, and flower bud differentiation also entered a climax, requiring sufficient water supply. At this point the north has entered the rainy season and generally does not need watering. Such as long-term high temperature and drought, you need to water.
Fourth, irrigating the frozen water, from the end of October to the beginning of November, combined with autumn basal fertilization for irrigation, not only is conducive to soil conservation, but will also improve the cold resistance of young shoots. During the growing period of walnut trees, the long-term surface water or groundwater level of the walnut trees will affect the growth and development of the walnut trees, resulting in the death of root suffocation. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the groundwater level or eliminate surface water in a timely manner to provide a good environment for the growth of walnut trees.
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