The nutritional value of milk

Nutrition Misconceptions: Many people know that it is better to give children more milk, and milk is rich in nutrients. But what nutrients does milk and its products provide to the human body?

Milk mainly includes milk, goat milk and so on. Milk is rich in nutrients, contains the necessary nutrients for the human body, has a suitable proportion, and is a natural food that can be easily digested and absorbed. It is the main food for infants and young children. It is also a good nutrition for patients, the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the infirm. In addition to free of cellulose, milk contains almost all the nutrients the body needs, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates (mainly lactose), vitamins, and inorganic salts. Some people have nausea, abdominal pain, bowel and other uncomfortable feelings after drinking milk, which is caused by the lack of lactase in these people's body to digest lactose or too much milk.


to sum up:

A Milk contains the necessary nutrients for the human body, and its composition ratio is appropriate. It is also a natural food that can be easily digested and absorbed.

B Some people feel uncomfortable after drinking milk because they have too little lactase or too much milk.

The dietary truth: The physiological value of milk proteins is second only to eggs. It is a high-quality protein with a high content of lysine and methionine, which can supplement the deficiency of amino acids in cereal proteins and increase its nutritional value. There is not much cholesterol in milk and there is a role in lowering serum cholesterol. People with high blood lipids or coronary heart disease do not have to worry too much about drinking milk. Milk contains more alkaline elements (such as calcium, potassium, sodium, etc.) than acid elements (chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorus). Therefore, milk, like vegetables and fruits, is an alkaline food that helps maintain body acidity. Base balance. In addition, dairy foods are the most calcium-rich foods we eat. Drinking milk is the best way to supplement calcium.

Most of the Chinese people do not have enough lactase in the body to digest large amounts of lactose in fresh milk, so drinking milk is a small number of times. If there is too little lactose, yoghurt can be used. The nutritional value of yogurt is not worse than that of fresh milk. However, the lactose in fresh milk has been transformed into lactic acid in the milk for us during the processing. At the same time, lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to humans have also been produced. Even more than the benefits of fresh milk.

to sum up:

A The physiological value of milk protein is a high-quality protein that can supplement the deficiency of amino acid composition of cereal protein and increase its nutritional value.

B. People who drink milk feel uncomfortable can choose to use yogurt. The nutritional value of yogurt is not worse than that of fresh milk.

Dietary Code: Milk is rich in nutrients, but when it is heated for too long, it can destroy certain nutrients. Therefore, milk should not be boiled for a long time. There are two different kinds of processing and production processes for fresh milk that are currently available on the market. One is pasteurized milk, which has a short shelf life and generally has a shelf life of about 3 days. Drinking this milk can be heated to boiling; another kind of fresh milk is UHT milk, and the general shelf life is more than 30 days. This type of milk can be used for drinking without heating and can be used to cool and drink. If you do not want to drink cold milk, you can also heat it to a slightly higher temperature than your body temperature.

With regard to the consumption of milk, it should also be noted. When you drink milk on an empty stomach, the protein in milk is consumed by heat and it is not economical. A reasonable way to eat is to eat a bit of biscuits and porridge before eating milk, so that you can make full use of milk.

In addition, care should be taken when storing milk. After 1 minute of fresh milk is irradiated with sunlight, the B vitamins in the milk will soon disappear, and the vitamin C will be very little; even in the weak sunlight, after 6 hours of irradiation, only the B vitamins will be left half. Therefore, milk should be stored in a place away from light.

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