France developed the Ebola virus rapid detector

France developed the Ebola virus rapid detector

October 23, 2014 Source: Xinhuanet

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The French Atomic Energy Commission recently issued a press release saying that the agency has developed a small instrument that can quickly detect Ebola virus. It has passed the technical test of the Jean-Mérieux P4 Biosafety Laboratory, which proves to the current Ebola in West Africa. The virus is valid.

According to the French Atomic Energy Commission, this small instrument, named "Ebola eZYSCREEN", is almost identical in shape and operation to the fast pregnancy tester on the market. The instrument has no special requirements for its environment and does not require other equipment. Simply drop a drop of blood, plasma or urine from the test subject in the test tank and the test results will appear in the instrument observation window within 15 minutes. If there are two horizontal bars in the observation window, it means that the Ebola virus test results are positive; if there is only one horizontal bar, the result is negative.

According to the agency, the Ebola detection method based on viral gene detection technology used by the medical community has a high degree of acuity, but it can only be realized in the laboratory with a series of specialized equipment, and it takes 2 hours and 15 minutes. It will take 2.5 hours to produce results. The birth of this rapid detection instrument can greatly improve the detection efficiency, especially for the initial detection of patients with suspected Ebola infection.

With the spread of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the French Atomic Energy Commission began developing this rapid detector in mid-August this year in a research center in Makul, southern France. Thanks to the agency's research on Ebola in the past few years, the researchers have been successful in just two months.

The Jean-Mérieux P4 Biosafety Laboratory in Lyon, France (P4 is the abbreviation for Biosafety Level 4, the highest level of biosafety at present) has carried out a technical test on this product, proving it to detect the widespread spread in West Africa. The Bora virus is effective.

It is reported that after the final evaluation and appraisal process is completed, the instrument will be produced by the French company Vederabu. Prior to mass production, the trial batch will be produced by the end of October for clinical testing.

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