The use of good fertilizer for thin application of fertilizers often requires adding a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, applied per acre urea 10 or ammonium nitrate 10 to 15 kg mixed application, the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus to 1:3 or 1:2 as well. When applying fertilizers, special attention should be paid to the isolation of fertilizers and seeds to avoid contact with seed fertilizers so as to avoid burning seedlings. Deep application of fertilizer can significantly increase production.
Foliar spray fertilizer with 0.2% ~ 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution or superphosphate leaching foliar spray, can increase grain nitrogen content, there is a significant increase in production; spraying 0.1% of borax, copper sulfate, Manganese sulfate aqueous solution can promote full grain and increase soybean oil content.
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