In the rainy season of high temperature and high humidity in spring and summer, it is easy to explode the epidemic onion disease, causing the onion leaves to covet and even rot, causing serious losses, and it is necessary to do relevant prevention and treatment work.
In the rainy season of high temperature and high humidity in summer, it is easy to explode the epidemic onion disease, which can make the original green onion of the green onion become yellow spots in a few days, and then turn white, the onion leaves are coveted, and even rot, causing serious losses.
Onion blight mainly harms onion leaves and pedicels. In the early stage of onion leaf disease, there are white and unclear lesions. When enlarged, it becomes grayish white spots. It spreads along the vertical direction of onion leaves and quickly becomes a long white spot. The width is more than half the circumference of the onion tube, or even larger; causing the onion leaves to sag and wither; During rainy periods or when the humidity is high, the disease minister produces white cotton hairy mold; when the weather is dry, the white hair disappears, but the diseased leaves still show white cotton mycelium inside the onion tube leaves. In the summer, the prevention and treatment of the disease needs to be done:
1, sorghum deep ditch cultivation, ditch drainage, timely drainage in the rain and rain to reduce the field humidity.
2. Appropriate timely spraying of foliar fertilizer, increase of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and trace element fertilizer, avoiding partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, and applying grass ash is also beneficial to improve disease resistance;
3, according to the weather change, timely spraying control, you can use 25% of the Japanese Bacillus 1000 times solution or 25% metalaxyl manganese zinc 600 times liquid spray 2 to 3 times, 7 to 10 days, requiring the spray to be comprehensive and thoughtful, Spray wet and spray.
4. Serious plants in the field need to be completely removed and destroyed to prevent the spread of diseases.
Canned Peach, peeled and pitted Yellow Clingstone Peaches, in Natural Juice such as Pear juice From Concetrate and white grape juice.
Canned Peach In Juice are natural, delicious and healthy. All fresh Ams Peaches are picked from Fomdas own orchards and approved qualified suppliers' orchards, they are naturally sun-rippened. All the pesticides are provided and managed by professional staffs from Fomdas, we guide farmers on how to use and spray pesticides scientifically.
Every piece of fresh peach is selected on appearance, color and maturity, they are pesticides and heavy metal residual tested before putting into production.
Fomdas canned Yellow Cling Peach with Natural Juice Added is a good source of Vitmains, it is also a good snack for both kids and adults. It is popular to mix Canned Sliced Peaches with yogurt.
With shelf-stable Juice Pack canned yellow peaches, you can enjoy sweet and fresh taste of yellow peaches anytime and anywhere.
Canned Peach in Juice, Pear Juice from Concentrate, Fruit Juice, Juice Pack, Natural Juice Added