Snail venom can be developed into a fast-acting insulin that is expected to completely treat diabetes

Snail venom can be developed into a fast-acting insulin that is expected to completely treat diabetes

September 18, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, researchers from the United States and Australia have found that the venom extracted from the conical snail (chicken snail) growing in the sea may help develop super-fast insulin, which may provide a new treatment for the treatment of diabetes. Must help. The researchers said they revealed the three-dimensional structure of the snail venom insulin, and they also clarified why the highly efficient natural protein Con-Ins G1 (cone snail venom insulin G1) works faster than human insulin.

The Con-Ins G1 protein binds to the human insulin receptor, which may indicate that the protein can be transformed into the treatment of human disease; the researcher Professor Lawrence said that we analyzed and analyzed the cone snail venom using the Australian Synchrotron. The three-dimensional structure of insulin proteins, we found that this venom protein can prevent the structural changes experienced by human insulin from functioning quickly. Human insulin usually needs structural changes to function, and this venom protein can effectively interact with it. The body is tightly combined.

Human insulin contains an additional hinge component that must be turned on before insulin or receptor binding or signal exchange; by investigating the three-dimensional structure of the venom insulin protein, the researchers revealed How to avoid the action of the entire hinge structure, and this will undoubtedly accelerate the signal conversion process of the cell and the time when the insulin works.

As early as 2015, researchers from the University of Utah found that the snails in the ocean can use insulin-based venom to prey, fish foods swim into invisible traps, and are immediately released by the snails The venom-induced hyperglycemia shock is fixed, and finally these fish are undoubtedly the "delicious" of the snail. Researcher Helena Safavi-Hemami pointed out that we are very interested in uncovering the venom of cone snails that have a rapid effect on their prey, and that these venom peptide structures may be expected to be used in the treatment of human diseases, and we also It has been found that snail venom insulin may also be used in the study of human organisms.

Now researchers have found that the venom protein released by the tapered snail can open the human insulin signaling pathway, which means that these venom insulin can successfully bind to the human insulin receptor; the next step is to design a new model based on the corresponding research results. Better diabetes therapy to provide patients with new super fast-acting insulin therapies.

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