Researcher labs have produced hundreds of miniature human brains for the first time

Researchers have planted hundreds of miniature human brains in the lab, trying to use them to study mental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. And the way they cultivate these brains can be said to be surprisingly simple. These "organs" are only three to four millimeters in diameter and are similar in structure to human brains that are not yet mature. The picture shows the enlarged picture of the mini brain.

Researcher labs have produced hundreds of miniature human brains for the first time

Researcher labs have produced hundreds of miniature human brains for the first time

Researchers have used human skin cells to develop some pea-sized "brains." The picture shows the comparison between the developing human brain (left) and the "brain-like" (right).

Researcher labs have produced hundreds of miniature human brains for the first time

Scientists use stem cells to transform skin cells into three-dimensional tissues similar to the human brain.

Researcher labs have produced hundreds of miniature human brains for the first time

Why are we right-handed or left-handed? Why do we have autism? The human brain still has many unsolved mysteries. Researchers have planted hundreds of miniature human brains in the lab, trying to use them to study mental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.

On October 8th, according to foreign media reports, why are we right-handed or left-handed? Why do we have autism? The human brain still has many unsolved mysteries. Some problems can be solved by studying the brains of other animals, such as mice. But some unique problems are only encountered by the human brain, and this method is helpless.

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