Improved membrane induction technique for successful repair of humeral defect
November 28, 2018 Source: Health News Network
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"After all, I have relieved my pain for more than ten years. I can now raise things in my right arm!" Recently, Liu Dajie, who came to Tangdu Hospital for 4 months after surgery, showed her recovery of her right arm, lifting small dumbbells and arms. Stretching and moving freely. Sister Liu is a native of Shanxi. A car accident caused a fracture of the right upper arm 17 years ago. The local hospital gave a plate screw fixation treatment and used autogenous bone grafting. The wound has been pus during the period. In October last year, due to the ulceration of the arm skin, the screw was exposed and she went to Tangdu Hospital for treatment. Associate Professor Zhang Yunfei of the Department of Orthopaedics examined and found that Liu Dajie's internal fixation was loose, and a large segment of the humerus was damaged. There was a serious infection. If it was not treated in time, it may face amputation, which is very difficult to cure.
According to reports, the current treatment methods for patients with bone defects mainly include bone transfer and membrane induction. Bone removal requires the patient to have a certain amount of residual bone mass and a long moving time, which is not applicable. Membrane-inducing technology is a new technology that has emerged in recent years. It first removes infected necrotic bone and puts the commonly known bone cement into the defect area. After a period of time, vascularized periosteal tissue is formed around the bone cement. These tissues can be osteogenesis and Blood supply. Finally, Zhang Yunfei decided to use the first-stage membrane-induced, second-stage biofilm bone grafting technique to perform surgical treatment.
Zhang Yunfei led Wang Guoliang's attending physician and team to perform a surgery for Liu Dajie on November 8, 2017 to remove the bones infected with necrosis and place bone cement. On July 9, 2018, the second stage bone graft reconstruction was performed. . He first took out the previous fillings, and used Liu Dajie's sputum bone particles as the main bone material. At the same time, the calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate mixture loaded with antibiotics was used as the bone grafting auxiliary material, and re-implanted into the induced membrane to form a new life. Active bones.
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