American scientist Cell issued: First discovered that soluble dietary fiber can cause liver cancer when the intestinal flora of mice is out of balance

American scientist Cell issued: First discovered that soluble dietary fiber can cause liver cancer when the intestinal flora of mice is out of balance

November 13, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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Knowledge of dietary fiber such as inulin, pectin and oligofructose may need to be corrected.

Recently, the team led by Dr. Matam Vijay-Kumar of the University of Toledo in the United States published an important study in the international top journal Cell. They found that feeding the soluble soluble dietary fiber inulin to physiologically deficient mice with intestinal microbial imbalances resulted in 40% of the mice developing primary liver cancer. When wild-type mice were fed high-fat foods with inulin, it also caused liver cancer. Similar results were obtained when the inulin was replaced with two other soluble dietary fibers, pectin and oligofructose.

“The results of the study shocked us,” Vijay-Kumar said. “People have always believed that dietary fiber is as healthy and safe as fruits and vegetables, and our research suggests they may be harmful.”

It is worth noting that in wild-type mice in which intestinal microbes were not destroyed, the researchers did not observe the phenomenon of inducing liver cancer by inulin. Whether it is inulin or pectin and oligofructose, one of the prerequisites for inducing liver cancer in mice is the imbalance of intestinal microbes, or the use of a high-fat diet to break the intestinal microflora of mice while eating inulin. This study is the first time that scientists have discovered soluble dietary fiber, such as inulin, which causes liver cancer under the action of unbalanced intestinal flora.

The researchers also found that insoluble dietary fiber does not cause liver cancer. Insoluble cellulose can increase intestinal peristalsis and will not be fermented in the intestines, which may be the reason why it does not cause liver cancer. When the researchers added untreated feed to the food of the defective model mice, no liver cancer was found.

Scientists are still unclear which specific microbes are involved in the carcinogenic process. The specific molecular mechanism of soluble cellulose under the action of unbalanced flora has not yet been resolved clearly. This is the future work of scientists. At the same time, they will continue to test the risk of liver cancer caused by other soluble dietary fiber.

“All forms of dietary fiber are good, this deeply rooted traditional cognition is subverted by our research,” Vijay-Kumar said. “We don’t mean that dietary fiber is bad. Instead, we want to emphasize that refined soluble dietary fiber may not be safe for people with intestinal imbalances. This fiber is abnormally fermented in the intestines. May increase the susceptibility of liver cancer."

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