2 ml of blood can be used to detect early kidney cancer
September 08, 2016 Source: Jingchu Net - Chutian Metropolis Daily
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Kidney tumors are common tumors of the human genitourinary system, and most of them are malignant. If they can be detected early, the cure rate will be greatly improved. Prof. Zhang Xiaoping, director of the Department of Urology, Union Hospital, said that at present, minimally invasive surgery can be used for such tumors, which partially preserves kidney function and alleviates the damage of the kidney in the past.
However, the reality is that the international medical community lacks clear indicators for the early diagnosis of renal cancer, which seriously affects the patient's therapeutic effect and recovery. In order to break through this bottleneck, Zhang Xiaoping, director of the Department of Urology of Wuhan Union Hospital, led the team to explore. After more than three years of research, he finally found a kind of "non-coding microRNA". By detecting this indicator in blood, it can be extremely Improve the early diagnosis rate of renal cancer. At present, the research results of Concord Hospital have been published in the international medical authority journal and are applying for patents.
For the patient, it is only necessary to take 2 ml of blood to the hospital and the result can be detected in the fastest day. For patients who have had kidney cancer and undergo surgery, it is also possible to predict whether the tumor has metastasis or recurrence.
It takes about a year for the method to be put into clinical application. However, as a research unit, Union Hospital can provide this test to patients free of charge. Patients only need to apply to Professor Zhang Xiaoping for the Concord Clinic.
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