1. Pre-harvest factors (1) The same winter jujube strain has the distinction of early-maturing strains and late-maturing strains. The early-maturing strains began to turn red fruit before September 25, and the late-maturing strains began to turn red fruit after October 5. It is best to choose late-maturing strains for long-term storage. (2) The best cultivation method is to select the dwarf cultivation winter jujube garden so as to facilitate manual picking, reduce mechanical damage and increase the number of winter jujube with fruit stems. (3) Diseases and pests should be controlled in the jujube garden with good pest control and no weeds or weeds. Because the winter date with pests and diseases easily accelerates its softening and storage of mold during the latter. (4) Irrigation and Rainfall Jujube trees will cause excessive jujube softness when harvested due to excessive drought, which will reduce the rate of intact fruit in storage. Therefore, proper irrigation is necessary to improve the rate of intact fruit and jujube, but the rain will increase the fruit cracking and excessive wet damage during storage. Therefore, it is necessary to harvest the dried jujube after the rain stopped, and remove the cracked fruit into the storage. (5) Spraying calcium before pre-harvest treatment Spraying 0.5% calcium chloride on the jujube tree before and 30 days before harvest can obviously maintain the hardness of the jujube during storage, and can increase the good fruit rate. Therefore, pre-harvest calcium injection can be used as an auxiliary measure to improve the storage and preservation of winter jujube. 2. Harvesting grading (1) During the harvesting period, the early winter jujube was extremely resistant to storage, and the middle and late winter jujube was relatively resistant to storage. Therefore, in order to prolong the storage period and increase the perfect crispiness rate of winter jujube, it is better to use the jujube harvested in the middle and late period for storage. (2) Ripeness, ripeness, reddish, semi-red, semi-red, mostly red, full red, etc. Winter jujube with different maturity. After storage for 90 days, the difference between intact ripeness rate per maturity is 10%~25. %. Therefore, if we want to improve the rate of intact and crisp fruit, prolong the storage period, and obtain good economic benefits, it is very important to store in strict accordance with the maturity after sorting. In general, long-term storage of jujube to choose white, red, half red and half red fruit into storage, and under the tree in the field. (3) The harvesting method must be hand-picking when harvesting, and it cannot be harvested by hitting or rocking with a wooden stick, nor can it be harvested by using ethephon to assist in shedding so as to avoid mechanical injury or hormone ripening. Storage effect. (4) Picking can be done at the same time as the maturity sorting. It is required to remove the branches and leaves and pick out the winter jujube with diseases and pests, deformities, small heads, and maturity less than white maturity. (5) Classification includes maturity rating and size rating. Short-term storage (2 months or less) can be divided into 3 maturity levels: full red, most red, half red and below; medium and long term storage (more than 2 months), choose half red, half red, Reddish and white mature winter jujube. 3. Packaging and Transportation (1) Bagging A nylon net bag with a width of 30cm and a length of 50cm is used for bagging, and each bag has 4kg. (2) Pack the fruit packed in a nylon mesh bag into a plastic box. (3) Loading the cart The plastic box with the date loaded on the transporter should be securely secured so as not to cause mechanical damage due to swinging. (4) Transportation On field roads, due to poor road conditions, the speed cannot be too fast to avoid mechanical damage. (5) The unloading vehicle must be handed over by hand and gently to avoid mechanical damage. 4. Pre-cooling treatment (1) Cold air pre-cooling unloading should be quickly put into the cold storage, after pre-cooling 12h into the decompression container, pre-cooling time not too long, so as not to cause winter jujube water loss. (2) Cold water pre-cooling combined with preservatives to treat a 2m long, 0.5m wide and 0.8m high pool. Put a certain amount of water and ice in the pool. The ratio of water to ice is 1:0.3. The water temperature is approximately For 2 °C ~ 5 °C, add jujube special preservatives, dubbed 50 times the ice water preservative solution, soak the winter jujube 0.5min ~ 1min, remove the drain water, into the decompression container or plastic film packaging bag . 5. Storage and preservation (1) Storage under reduced pressure 1 Into a decompression vessel, put the mesh bag, pre-cooled winter date into the decompression chamber, and the decompression chamber consists of a small decompression tank, each containing 2 bags. Each bag of 4kg, each can be stored 500kg ~ 1000kg, each storage can be installed according to the capacity of 10 ~ 50; 2 decompression, jujube fruit into the vacuum tank can be immediately sealed decompression, after 0.5h cans Internal pressure can be reduced to 60kPa ~ 80kPa, when the volume fraction of oxygen is reduced to 4% ~ 8%; 3 temperature, storage temperature should be controlled at -2.5 °C 0.5 °C; 4 relative humidity, to maintain the relative humidity of the storage environment More than 95% can achieve the purpose of humidification through internal water vaporization and humidification, dipping and humidification and external automatic qi and humidification methods; 5 Preservatives and vacuum storage facilities are conducive to the infiltration of gaseous preservatives and gaseous physiological regulators into the jujube tissue. Internally, as required, regular treatment with plasma gas, 1-MCP, 2-AB, and ozone can significantly inhibit microorganism-induced rot, physiological aging, and tissue browning. (2) MA (plastic film fresh-keeping and limited-air packaging) storage and preservation 1 into the bag, the winter date into the specifications (length and width) 650mm650mm0.03mm and hit six plastic film storage bags with a diameter of 0.5cm round holes, each bag Fruit 5kg to 7.5kg, can also use the same size of microporous membrane bag, but no need to punch; 2 into the preservatives, winter preservatives without treatment, can be placed in the top of the bag sustained-release absorption of preservatives ; 3 temperature, storage temperature should be controlled at -2.5 °C 0.5 °C; 4 relative humidity, to maintain the relative humidity of the storage environment above 95%, can increase the relative humidity of the air through the ground watering method; 5 gas composition, plastic film The volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the bag should be controlled within 2%. China Agricultural Network Editor