First, the cause of rust Most of the red rust occurs at the corners where the irrigation and drainage are not smooth and deep water and rice fields. There are three reasons for this: First, it was caused by the use of unfamiliar farmyard manure; second, the paddy fields were peat lands, and grasshoppers caused many problems; third, the rice fields were poorly prepared, uneven, and in the long run the depression turned into standing water. , Resulting in poor irrigation and drainage. "Green rust" is not rust. It is formed by the proliferation of moss duckweed and aquatic algae. Second, prevention and control methods 1, the application of organic fertilizer must be fully cooked, and should pay attention to uniform application. 2, the field should be clean, water quality is better, often change the water. 3, per acre with 7.5 kilograms of wood ash pouring 300 to 400 kilograms of water. 4. Spray with 1% lime water clarifier or 0.1% copper sulfate aqueous solution. 5. The copper sulphate (0.5 kg per acre) was placed in a sandbag and suspended with a wooden stick at the inlet to allow the copper sulphate to flow into the rice fields with water to kill moss and algae. 6. In the case of paddy field where red and green rust has already occurred, it is necessary to use a large water to take an emergency irrigation platoon so that it can be flushed and drifted out. 7. Carefully clean up the channels to achieve smooth drainage and drainage. 8. Rub 1 kg of copper sulphate into powder, mix 30 kg of fine fluvo-aquic soil or fine sand, and evenly put it in the paddy field of an acre of land. This method has good effect of eliminating moss, algae and weeds.
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