The team of the University of Tsukuba in Japan successfully produced cardiac mesoderm cells

The team of the University of Tsukuba in Japan successfully produced cardiac mesoderm cells

August 13, 2018 Source: World Wide Web

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[Global Network Report] According to a report by Japan’s Kyodo News Agency on August 10th, a team of professors from the University of Tsukuba in Japan, Mr. Yoshida, published a research report in the American Journal of Science on the 9th, saying that only fibroblasts proliferating in myocardial infarction sites After injecting a gene and activating it, it can be successfully converted into a "heart mesoderm cell" that can differentiate into various cardiac constituent cells.

The next step is to establish a method for making rhythmic cardiomyocytes and vascular cells from mesodermal cells. Injecting genes into the body like a drug is expected to help achieve treatment to restore heart function.

The team injected the "Tbx6" gene, which is thought to be important for animal spine formation, into mouse fibroblasts in culture dishes and found that cardiac mesoderm cells were produced. The test has also been successful in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which can also produce cardiomyocytes by regulating the time of gene action.

Cardiac regenerative care is now considered to be carried out after in vitro use of iPS cells to make cardiomyocytes. However, if the heart function can be restored by injecting a gene, there is no need for a thoracotomy, and the preparation time may be shortened. Kato said: "I also hope to conduct in vivo tests to further verify safety and effectiveness." (Reporter Wang Huan)


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