Pay attention to prevent botrytis cinerea

Botrytis cinerea is the main disease of the leeks in the protected areas, which seriously affects the quality of the leeks marketed during the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival every year, the price of leeks is the highest in a year. Once the disease is acquired, it will cause great economic losses to the peasants. Therefore, prevention and control of gray mold is very important for the production of leeks.
First, the symptoms
1. White point type. On the front and back of the leaves, small spots of white or gray-brown color develop from the tips of the leaves. The lesions are spindle-shaped or elliptical, and they synthesize plaques at the late stage of disease, resulting in half-leaf or whole-leaf char.
2. Dry tip type. Cut from the cut edge of the cutting knife, it was initially immersed in water, then it turned light green and had a brown ring pattern. After the spread of lesions, it was mostly semi-circular or “V” shaped and could extend downwards by 2 to 3 cm. Yellow-brown, grayish-brown or grayish green villous surface.
3. Wet rot type. When the humidity is high, the surface of dead leaves is densely ash to green villous mold, with a musty smell, and white spots do not appear on the leaves.
Second, control methods
1. Use resistant varieties. For example, No.2 Zhongmao, No.791 snow husk, No.1 early-onset hairpin, etc.
2. Clean the pastoral. After the leek is harvested, the diseased body is promptly removed, buried or burned to prevent the spread of pathogens.
3 timely ventilation and dehydration is the key to the prevention and treatment of the disease. The amount of ventilation should be determined according to the growth of leeks. When the freshly cut leeks or the outside temperature is low, the ventilation volume should be small or the ventilation should be delayed to prevent the wind from sweeping.
4. Cultivate strong seedlings and pay attention to rearing. Application of organic fertilizer, timely fertilizer, watering, weeding, raising good wolfberry, improve plant resistance to disease. Before planting per acre, apply 5,000 to 7,000 kilograms of decomposed farmyard fertilizer, 15 kilograms of diammonium phosphate, and 50 kilograms of plant ash. Deeply plunge into the soil and irrigate the floodwater. Apply water promptly after planting. Before the frost top dressing twice, each time after topdressing 15 kg of urea per acre, timely irrigation after top dressing.
5. In the initial stage of onset, spray 65% ​​Methotrexate or 5% Procymidone or 5% Isoflururon dust 1 kg per mu. In addition, it can also spray 65% ​​Methoxime WP 1000 times solution or 25% Prochloraz EC 1000 times solution or 40% pyrimethanil suspension agent 1200 times, spray once every 10 days, and even spray 2~ 3 times.

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