The nutrition of carrots is very rich. Including protein, fat, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium, etc. . The most prominent of these is carotene.
Generally, the number of micrograms of carotenoids per 100 grams of food is two or three digits, while carrots can reach four digits. According to the national average, red carrots contain 4,130 micrograms of carotenoids, yellow carrots contain 4010 micrograms of carotenes, and most of them are carrots produced in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. Their carotene content reaches 7700 micrograms/100 grams.
Carotene, also known as pro-vitamin A, becomes vitamin A in the human gut and liver. Every 0.6 microgram of carotenoid is equivalent to 1 international unit of vitamin A.
Free radicals are intermediate products in normal metabolic processes and can accelerate human aging. Carotene eliminates the harmful effects of free radicals and is therefore an ideal diet for delaying aging.
Carrot sex sweet, flat, human lung, spleen, the main role is to spleen, stagnation, often used in the treatment of indigestion, chronic sputum, cough embolism.
Carrots are alkaline foods and are rich in pectin. Pectin can form stools and absorb bacteria and toxins in the intestines. Volatile oil in carrots also promotes digestion and sterilization.
In addition, carrots also contain a certain amount of Minerals and trace elements that can supplement nutrients lost due to diarrhea. To drink carrot soup to children with diarrhea, you can stop diarrhea.
Pectin contained in carrots can be combined with mercury. Some people have chronic mercury poisoning due to their frequent exposure to mercury. At the same time, they can eat some carrots to promote the combination and excretion of mercury. Some foreign countries have already used carrots as a health food for people who are often exposed to mercury.
Research shows that carrot fiber contains calcium pectate, which can combine with bile acids in the body to lower cholesterol. The higher the cholesterol in the body, the greater the pectin substance in carrots is to reduce cholesterol; normal cholesterol in the body, the effectiveness of pectin is reduced accordingly, so it will not affect normal cholesterol levels. Scientists believe that insisting on eating 2 carrots a day can reduce cholesterol levels by 10 to 20 percent over a period of time.
Carrots also contain ingredients that lower blood sugar, providing good medicine for diabetics. Potassium succinate in carrots has a certain effect on the treatment of hypertension and kidney disease.
Carotene can enhance the body's immune function and increase the vitality of macrophages, while macrophages can engulf bacteria and cancer cells.
The combination and collocation of mineral nutrient elements. Among these elements, in addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other elements mainly exist in the form of organic matter, the other 60 kinds of elements are collectively referred to as minerals, of which 25 kinds are necessary for human nutrition.Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine 7 kinds of element content is more, accounting for about 60% ~ 80% of the total minerals, so called macro elements, and iron, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, tin and vanadium, silicon, nickel, fluorine, etc. 14, because there are too few, within the body content less than 0. 005%, therefore is called the trace elements.
Synonyms Dietary essential minerals; Macro- and microminerals; Electrolytes; Trace elements Definition Mineral nutrients are inorganic substances that must be ingested and absorbed in adequate amounts to satisfy a wide variety of essential metabolic and/or structural functions in the body. Mineral nutrients are sometimes categorized according to the amount required in the human diet to maintain good nutrition. Macrominerals is a general term encompassing both bulk minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), which are required to be ingested by humans in amounts of hundreds of milligrams to several grams per day. Microminerals or trace elements (including iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium , iodine, chromium, molybdenum) are required in amounts of a few milligrams or less per day. The latter members of this group, which are required only in amounts of micrograms per day, are sometimes referred to as ultratrace elements.
Calcium Carbonate,Supplements Minerals,Minerals Function,Magnesium Glycinate
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