Morphological characteristics

Morphological characteristics

Perennial green grass, height 12 ~ 26cm, all hairless. The rhizomes are slender, slender or slanting, with triangular scales on the nodes. The adventitious roots are slender. Leaves clustered at base, 4-8, petiole 2.5-4 cm, leaves alternate, internodes short, thin leathery, rounded to ovate, 2-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded Or nearly flat, full or with indistinct sparse serrations, margins slightly recurved to the back of the leaves, the following often grayish blue-green, especially when young, veins network-like, significant. The calyx is extracted from the leaves and is 17 to 25 cm high, with a striate, scales 1 to 2 in the middle, lanceolate, and 6 to 10 mm long. The racemes have 9-13 flowers, each with a small bract 1 and lanceolate, 6-9 mm long, nearly as long as the pedicels. Flowers large, broadly bell-shaped, 15 to 20 mm in diameter, 5 deep-seated calyx, lobulate to broadly lanceolate, 3 to 3.5 mm long, 1 to 1.3 mm wide, apically acute or rounded; corolla broadly campanulate, Petals 5, elliptic or obovate, 8–10 mm long, 6–8 mm wide, apex obtuse, base slightly narrower, white or slightly pinky; stamens 10, filaments slightly curved, anthers cleft at top, drug holes prominently short Tube; pistil 1, carpel 5, ovary superior, oblate spheroid, 5-loculed, style fleshy, curved, ca. 1 cm, apex thickened, adaxially exserted, stigma capitate, inconspicuously 5-lobed, capsule oblate, Diameter 7 ~ 8mm, with 5 edges, cell back cracking. Most of the seeds, small shape, seed coats protruding at both ends, endosperm fleshy. Flowering from April to June. Fruit period from June to September.



Evergreen perennial, high 14 ~ 35cm, all glabrous, rhizomes slender transversely, obliquely, with fine roots and scales; short stem above ground, basal leaves 3 ~ 6, thicker leather. Leaves alternate, long petiolate, 2–5 cm long, ribbed, long ovate, elliptic or oblong, 3.5–7 cm long, 2.3–4 cm wide, apex blunt, small cuspidate, leaf base broadly cuneate The leaves were extended to the petiole and sparsely denticulate on the leaf margin; the surface of the leaf was dark green, but the veins were often pale greenish white, and both the dorsal and petiole were purple. Calyx 15–30 cm tall, 1–2 scale-like leaves near middle or absent; racemes inflorescences with 5–8-flowered; sepals linear-lanceolate, longer than pedicels, flowers drooping, broadly bell-like; Split, lobes ovate-oblong, apex acute or slightly blunt pointed, long 4 ~ 5mm, width 1 ~ 1.5mm; petals greenish yellow, lighter edge, broad oval, long 7 ~ 10mm; stamens 10, Filaments flat, lower wide, anthers elliptic; pistil 5 carpel synthetic; ovary upper, style obliquely down, and then slightly upward bending at the tip, stigma 5 shallow, stigmatic head. Capsule oblate spherical, diameter 8 ~ 10mm. Flowering from April to July. Fruit period from July to September.

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