Laying hens coping therapy

Egg diarrhea, in addition to disease factors, there are the following factors, and the symptoms and degree of diarrhea are not the same.

First, the physiological factors of Chicken urinary system consists of kidneys and ureters, and direct communication with the rectum, open in the cloacal cavity, the excess water in the chicken and feces together excreted, so the egg chicken feces and other poultry excrement is relatively rare is not surprising Now.

Second, climatic reasons When the outside temperature is high, the cooling of drinking water is the main means for the laying hen to maintain a constant body temperature, but due to its physiological factors, most of the drinking water can only be discharged from the cloaca after blood circulation, which results in thin stools.

Third, feed factors and some chicken farmers to improve the palatability of feed, enhance the appetite of chickens and add salt in the body, often increase the salt content in the diet of laying hens, plus the sometimes higher salt content of feed itself, The drastic increase in drinking water after eating chickens will lead to thin stools. In addition, the high content of magnesium in the calcium hydrogen phosphate and stone powder in the feed can also lead to thin stools. This situation rarely occurs before the layers are refueled, and most of them occur after refueling.

Therefore, egg hens should first analyze the situation, identify the reasons for conditioning, if it is due to the above reasons, the use of a large number of drug treatment will not only improve, but will also destroy the chicken intestinal microbial balance, making diarrhea more serious.

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