Hay processing and modulation

Freshly harvested green pastures are called fresh grasses, and the fresh grasses mostly contain 50% to 85% of their water content. Fresh grasses are dried or artificially dried after a certain period of time. When the water content reaches 15% to 18% or less, they become hay. These hay still retain a certain greenish color after drying, so it is also called green hay.
High-quality hay contains nutrients essential to livestock, and is an important source of phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins. Hay contains 7% to 14% of protein, and digestible carbohydrates are 40% to 60%. It can basically meet the requirements of 5 kg of Nissan milk. Cows need nutrition.
High quality hay has a long shelf life and contains more protein than cereals. In addition, it also contains various amino acids necessary for the production and reproduction of livestock and poultry. The addition of hay or hay powder rich in various amino acids to the solid feed such as corn can increase the utilization of protein in the seed-fed feed. The processing and modulation methods of hay include:
Drying on the ground After pasturing, the forage is dried in the field for 4 hours to 6 hours to reduce the moisture content to 40% to 50%. The mulching machine is used to continue the drying process. When the water content of pasture is reduced to 35% to 40%, and when the leaves of forage grass have not been removed, the haystack is used to integrate the haystacks, and it can be completely dried after 2 days to 3 days. Legume grass begins to fall off when leaf water content is 26%~28%; grass leaf moisture content is 22%~23%, that is, the total water content of pasture grass is below 35%~40%. Fall off. In order to preserve the leaves with high nutritional value, weeds and grass collection operations should be carried out before the leaves have fallen off, ie when the water content of the pasture is not less than 35% to 40%.
The drying of pasture in the haystack not only prevents rain and dew from wetting, but also reduces the loss of nutrients caused by the photochemical effects of sunlight and increases the green and aromatic smell of hay. Tests have shown that, when weeding, the lateral rakes dry better than the lateral rakes. For example, when the drying time is the same, in a grass ridge formed by a side rake, the moisture content of the pasture is 17.5% before it is piled into a middle-grass haystack. During the drying period, the dry matter loss is 3.64%, and the loss of carotene is 60.4. %; while horizontal rakes were used, they were 29%, 6.73% and 62.1%, respectively.
Artificial drying method makes hay dry under natural conditions, and the loss of nutrients is more. If the artificial drying method is used, and the rapid flow and high temperature of the atmosphere are used for rapid drying, the loss of nutrients for pasture can be effectively avoided.
The principle of artificial drying is to expand the gap between the pasture and the atmosphere, and accelerate the loss of water. Because of the high velocity of the air, the moisture around the pasture is taken away, and the resistance to moisture movement is reduced. At present, artificial drying methods commonly used include blow drying and high-temperature rapid drying.
1. Blow drying method. The flattened pasture is crushed and pre-dried in the field to a water content of 50%. It is placed in a hay shed with ventilation channels and blown at room temperature with a blower such as a blower or electric fan. This method can effectively reduce the loss of grass nutrients.
2. High temperature rapid drying method. Fresh grass is cut short and the grass is dried quickly by high-temperature airflow. The length of drying time depends on the type and model of the dryer. From a few hours to minutes or even seconds, the moisture content of pasture can fall from 80% to 85% to less than 15%. The hay is then crushed into hay flour or crushed and pressed into pelleted feed. Some dryers have inlet temperatures of 75°C to 260°C and outlet temperatures of 25°C to 160°C; others also have inlets of 420°C to 1160°C and outlets of 60°C to 260°C. The highest inlet temperature can reach 1000°C, and the outlet temperature drops by 20% to 30%. Although the temperature of the hot air in the dryer is high, the temperature of the pasture rarely exceeds 30°C to 35°C. The artificial drying method causes little loss of the nutrients in the pasture, but during the baking process, protein and amino acids are destroyed, and the high temperature can damage the vitamin C in the grass. The destruction of the carotene is less than 10%.

Greenhouse Vertical Hydroponics allows you to grow fresh vegetables and fruits at much higher crop yields and relatively lower costs. Thus, not only is it a profitable undertaking, but one which has proven of great benefit to humanity. With Greenhouse Hydroponics, plants can be raised out of season resulting in better control and higher yields of crops.

Greenhouse Vertical Hydroponics

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