At present, at the core stage of corn field management, Changyang Agricultural Technology Department compiled a set of Jingkou to use the colloquial language to allow farmers to correctly grasp the timing and types of fertilization. This set of jingles is: 3 and 4 fertilizations, 2 crisp fertilizing kits, 3 fertilization horns, and 4 fertilizations. The specific content is: Fertilize 3 or 4 pieces together. Refers to the combination of seedlings, Dingmiao, transplanting a fertilization, which is to ensure that Miao whole, Miao Qi, and promote the seedlings of a strong basis, generally take a look at the method of seedling fertilizer, it is appropriate to use human waste, methane fertilizer, 30 yuan per mu At the same time, fertilizers and fertilizers should be applied sparingly. Transplanting fields should be applied more appropriately, and the combination of cultivating and weeding should be used for fertilizer application. Two fertilization crisp knee packs. This is a joint-fertilizer, and it is also a strong growth of stems and leaves of the corn. When the stamen and stamens begin to differentiate, they can be top-dressed. Appropriate top-dressing can help to accumulate more photosynthesis, which is conducive to the differentiation of stamens and stamens. The amount of top-dressing fertilizer accounted for 30% of the entire top-dressing fertilizer. Fertilizers were mainly composed of corn-specific compound fertilizer, 25~30 kg per mu. At the same time, combining top dressing with ridges. Three fertilization bells. During this period a time when corn Androgynophore spikelets floret period, is to determine the size of the ear, the critical period the number of kernels per ear, but also vigorous vegetative growth and reproductive growth period in hand, re-applied attack panicle, strong stalk can reach large Spike, a significant increase in yield. The top-dressing fertilizer accounted for 60% of the total fertilizer, except for the high-yielding fields, which are generally no longer topdressing phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Four fertilization attack grain weight. Attacking grain weight is a top-dressing before and after flowering and pollination of maize to prevent later defertilization, prolong the lifespan of green leaves, increase its photosynthetic efficiency, and ensure sufficient grain filling with sufficient photosynthetic products. Granular fertilizer should be applied early, and it is usually appropriate when the ear is being spun, so that the fertilizer effect will be exerted in the milk-mature stage of the filling, and the skillful application will depend on the appearance of the panicle fertilizer and the plant. In the case of insufficient panicle fertilizer, yellow leaves below the ear section of the plant will occur. When defertilizing, grain fertilizer should be used.