24% full spike spikenamide suspension has specific effects on rice sheath blight and has good prevention and eradication functions.
Compared with the general agents, thiadiazole has obvious advantages in controlling sheath blight. First, there are special effects on sheath blight, and the dosage is low. The dosage per mu is about 20 ml, and the application method and period are flexible. Second, it is easily absorbed through the roots or the plant surface and carried in the plant body. The long period of validity is usually up to 20 days or more. The number of medications is small, and generally 20 days before heading or 1 at the initial stage of disease application can provide adequate protection for rice plants. Only when the sheath blight severely occurs, it is necessary to consider increasing the application once. The second medication should be arranged about 2 weeks after the first medication or before and after the flowering period. Third, the stems of the treated rice plants are stout and the leaves are healthy and dark green, which provides favorable conditions for increasing production.
The 24% full-spike thiofuramide suspension is a unique suspension formulation that contains no organic solvents and is safe for crops. It can also be used in the booting stage of rice at the recommended dosage. Strong rain resistance, and the efficacy of rain after 1 hour of application is not affected.